Special Seminar on Effective Use of Tunnelling and Underground Space for Sustainable Development
25th March 2017 (Saturday)
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Yangon Technological University
Gyogone, Yangon, Myanmar
Special Seminar on Effective Use of Tunnelling and Underground Space for Sustainable Development
25th March 2017 (Saturday)
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Yangon Technological University
Gyogone, Yangon, Myanmar
“Innovations for Unpredictable Ground Condition and Water Ingress”
Wednesday 29th March 2017, 13:00-17:00 PM. at, 4th Floor EIT Building
Organized by Thailand Underground and Tunnelling Group (TUTG)
The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King’s Patronage
Sponsored by Cormix International Limited.
HE Eng.Abdullha Al-Mogbel, President of the ITACET Foundation, awarded the ITACET Foundation AWARD 2016 to Dr.Harald Wagner for his significant contribution to the activities of the Foundation. The award was handed over to Harald Wagner by Pierrgiorgio Grasso, ITACET Foundation Vice President, during Opening Ceremony of WTC 2016 in San Francisco